The Association aims to pursue the following objectives:
- The promotion of seafaring culture in all its forms;
- Moral and social assistance, the cultural elevation of members;
- The protection of the work and professional prestige of the members in every sector;
- Safeguarding and increasing job opportunities;
- The promotion and formation of voluntary lists of operators in the sectors of statutory importance, giving the possibility to shipowners, shipping agencies, companies, shipyards to have access to a shared platform and consequently to make use of specialized personnel;
- The establishment of a constant relationship with the maritime authority intended to acquire information about new regulations and / or regulations and the search for possible forms of collaboration with the same;
- The promotion of studies and research in the sector in which Italian seafarers embarked on ships with a foreign flag operate and in the sectors of activity connected to them, as well as in the navigation sector in general;
- The development and implementation of cultural, action and research projects in the nautical and maritime area .
- Innovative teaching solutions in the shipping sector;
The Association wants to support the development of initiatives and programs aimed at remedying the lack between skills and jobs in the maritime sector, providing people with suitable skills to access work and strengthen the development of a maritime culture.
Some of our objectives
Our activities and many projects are moving forward at fast speed and the prospects for the future remain many and many are the objectives to be completed, including:
- Legal recognition and the creation of a professional register for the marine instructor, a key figure currently at training Centers and the competent authorities
- The abolition of Italian Training Certificates (Annex I and Annex II) and the de-bureaucratization of maritime practices
- The centralization of skills still dispersed between Coast Guard, Ministry of transport, Ministry of Health, radiocommunications etc etc
- Electronic certificates
- STCW course content update
- Create a new modern Maritime department that deals concretely with the sea, directly involving professionals who live the problems of the sea every day
- Funds, refunds or even deductibility for STCW courses. Especially for young people who are entering this job and who cannot afford to support all the compulsory training courses at their own expense
- Equating retirement age for seafarers. At the moment, those employed in the service of a car or a radio-telegraphic station on board can obtain an early retirement pension at the age of 59. Seafarers authorized to pilotage are entitled to an old-age pension upon reaching 62 years of age.
The work of the association is not only a service to the members but also a public benefit for all professionals of the sea, industry and society in general. The challenges are many but we are not afraid, we will continue to be always in the front row to support our members and the category of sea professionals in general. We have what it takes to continue to be credible and in affirming this we take responsibility for it.